On April 10th, our sweetest boy turned ONE! I'm not sure how an entire year zipped by us, but it did, and our baby is slowly (or rather quickly) exiting babyhood. No matter how many times I experience my children's first year, I am always amazed at the amount of change that takes place. Each stage is bittersweet, with its own challenges and joys. Just as you leave one season behind, you begin another that brings memorable moments you want to tuck away to savor later.
Wells' first year, full of all the typical milestones and baby things, has also been particularly interesting considering his birth took place at the very height of an ongoing worldwide pandemic. His first year of life was spent mostly in his home with his immediate family. And while over the course of 12 months one can become a little stir crazy in such conditions, I have to admit that the first seven weeks of his life - being holed away inside the fortress of our home - allowed us to have a very uniquely wonderful moment in time where we could soak in his newborn-ness while the rest of the world seemed to be still. We didn't feel rushed to re-enter back into a routine, to jump into a schedule, or feel like we were missing out as we adapted to life with a newborn and a third child. So during a very unknown and scary time, we were given this sweet gift our son's new and innocent life that we could fully enjoy without interruption. It was really special, and so very needed for my heart.
I am sometimes amazed to think that Wells' world has only ever been one in which there is a pandemic. Our boy knows nothing different than seeing people fully masked, his daddy working from home, and his community watching him grow from a distance. It's a bit startling to think about, but it makes me all the more excited to introduce him to the people we love that haven't been able to meet him yet and essentially introduce him to a world that isn't fighting a pandemic. There's so much to share about this beautiful, bubbly boy!
For now, here is a little look at how we spent his first birthday. We celebrate in the tiniest way with a little Peter Rabbit themed spread to mark the momentous occasion. Wells was crazy for the balloons and his new all-terrain wagon. He knew the day was special and just for him. It's all we wanted for our darling boy!
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