Happy Monday, y'all! I'm just a tad giddy with this announcement! For a while, husband and I have considered vlogging and taking the blog to another forum. What does that mean? We'll be making more videos in addition to still blogging here. I think one of my favorites, is our Little Chats series where we'll just be talking and sharing different topics of interest with you. Whether it's parenthood, family life, marriage, home ownership, DIYing, etc., we want to chat about it all!
And do you know what I would love?? To answer any questions you might have for us in these videos. Do you have something you've wanted to know about us, our favorites or our perspective on something? If so, head over to our Youtube channel and leave a comment with your question! Our next Little Chats video might just answer your burning questions ;)
In addition to the Little Chats vlogs, we'll be vlogging home tours, DIY how-to's, recipes, beauty, travel, and the likes. What makes this so fun for me? Putting these vlogs together with husband! Because teamwork is the dreamwork, friends!
We'd love for you to subscribe to our channel to keep up with the latest videos. You can do that on our Youtube page! Let us know what you think! We're thrilled to be sharing life with you!
In addition to the Little Chats vlogs, we'll be vlogging home tours, DIY how-to's, recipes, beauty, travel, and the likes. What makes this so fun for me? Putting these vlogs together with husband! Because teamwork is the dreamwork, friends!
We'd love for you to subscribe to our channel to keep up with the latest videos. You can do that on our Youtube page! Let us know what you think! We're thrilled to be sharing life with you!
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