TFF + The Pick No. 9

March 4, 2016

Happy Friday!!

a) I can't believe it's Friday (again)
b) I can't believe it's March
c) I can't believe it was in the 60's on Tuesday and then it snowed overnight

I feel like so much has happened this week, and it's all a huge blur! Tuesday was by far my favorite day. I got up and showered before husband left. This. is. huge. If he gets out the door before I can jump in and out of the shower then I don't get one until late into the afternoon when Greer is down for a good, solid nap. I got myself completely ready, ran an errand to Target (who doesn't love that place?!), and made it on time for a walking date with my SIL and nephews. Mind you this was all with my babe in tow. I think I'm getting this whole mama thing down!

We walked for almost two hours. The sun was out, the weather perfection for the first day of March, and a sleeping babe who aced her morning nap in the stroller. With a morning that went so well, the afternoon could only be spectacular, and it was. I need more days like that!

p.s. Don't forget to enter the PinkBlush GIVEAWAY for a $50 gift card!!

T H I N K I N G  > That I never did get a post up about that new blog series I mentioned last week! I'm hopeful to make it happen next week, so stay tuned!!

P O N D E R I N G > The future of this blog and brand of mine. I feel like I'm really starting to narrow down on my vision, and that feels wonderful!

N E E D I N G > The winter weather to disappear. Ya'll it snowed last night and the forecast says it's going to be 70° on Tuesday. How does this make any sense???

L I S T E N I N G > To Ellie Holcomb's "As Sure As The Sun," which was on repeat this time last March. The lyrics gave me the words I needed to hear as I walked through my miscarriage. If you haven't listened to that cd, you must. And see my story about the photo above, HERE.

D R E A M I N G > Of longer hair and a fresh ombré coloring.

S W O O N I N G > Over the weather forecast for next week! Give me spring and longer days already!

See you back here next week, friends! xo

have we found each other on Instagram??  @astleigh_hill
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Don't forget to link up with me for The Pick by grabbing the URL of your favorite blog post from this week and adding it below. I ask that you comment on some of the other posts linked-up, and that you most definitely comment on the blogger that linked up just before you. Tag me if you like!

p.s. just one more thing! Rachel and I are hosting an Instagram challenge throughout the year. Each Monday a theme will be posted. During the week post a photo that gives your take on the topic. Get creative, get colorful, get unique! And on Fridays we'll pick our favorite and share it on our feeds! You in?! We'll be sharing next week's topic on Monday. And you've still got time to post a photo for this week! The theme is "My Nook."