Hello, February! It seems impossible that a full month into 2016 has come and gone. Each month brings firsts and milestones for our baby girl, and while bittersweet that she is growing and changing so fast, we love watching her become the little lady God intended for her to be. As January closed out yesterday, a happy thought struck, we get to experience a full year, from start to finish, with Greer. Every month will be sweet and special in its own way as we experience and share in her first year. The holidays will be all the better and the changing of seasons that much more exciting.
One of my favorite parts of January was having Greer's newborn season captured. Like I said, this girl of ours changes so quickly, and because of that I'm thankful to have those newborn features forever saved in photos. Rachel came to our home on a chilly and windy Sunday to get our new family of three documented on film. And ever since I received the photos, I've been swooning. She did such an exceptional job!
Looking at my tiny baby gives me all the feels and heart eyes. Greer, you are beautiful. God gave us the most perfect gift; you are so wanted, so loved. I never want to forget this stage of life with you, my sweet girl.

And these aren't even all of them, just my very favorites! A huge thank you to Rachel Wells Photography for these beautiful photos. They'll be treasured for years to come!
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