A Snowy, Cozy Weekend

January 26, 2016

It snowed and snowed, and snowed some more this past weekend. Our little family bundled up inside for a long snow-covered weekend starting Friday. The flakes started coming down somewhere between four and six in the morning and stopped mid afternoon only to pick up again in the evening. We never measured to see how much we got, but it was easily over a foot.
We bid our time with Parenthood episodes, baby snuggles, scrumptious breakfasts, coffee, and more cuddles. Basically we ate well and lounged even better. What else do you do on snow days?

An early morning wake-up call will leave you yawning (and still looking cuter than ever!). While Greer and I got our early morning snuggles on, husband got breakfast going. Omelets, english muffins, and OJ for the weekend win!

Fresh squeezed OJ is one of my very favorites. And since I had been craving it, I made sure to have husband pick up a bag of oranges at the store before the storm hit. It did not disappoint.

Baby girl loves her swing and being snuggled up in it, surrounded by blankets. Husband and I both agree we would like an adult size swing to nap in. While Greer snoozed, husband worked on graduate school work and I tried to plan out my Valentine's décor. And I actually got to paint my nails! Sounds so small, but it's a huge deal when you've got a newborn and you need your hands free (and not wet with fresh polish) at a moment's notice. 

Have I mentioned that our girl is smitten with her daddy, and he is just as crazy about her. I love watching them together. Daddy-daughter cuddles couldn't be any sweeter, I tell you. 

And a HUGE thank your for all the sweet birthday wishes yesterday! It was a wonderful day, made even more special by sharing it with Greer for the first time. xo