Oh Baby! || Week 38

December 15, 2015

I can't even tell you how much joy and anticipation I'm feeling this week. We are t-minus 6 days away from meeting our sweet babe, and it feels so very surreal! We've made it! And unless she decides to come early on her own timing, there's less than a week until we head to the hospital to welcome her into the world. 

I've got all the feels as I think through how her delivery might go, about seeing her for the first time, and hearing that cry. I've wanted to be a mom since I was a little girl, and now it's really happening. It's hard to put into words just how I feel about one of my biggest dreams coming true. And the fact that I get to share it with husband. Maybe there are no words for it. My heart is about to explode now, so I can only imagine how my heart will feel next Monday. 

How far along? In the 38th week

Baby's Size: A pumpkin || approximately 19ish-21ish inches. The doctor guessed she was anywhere between 6 and 6.5 pounds. And based on my fundal height measurement, she is measuring at 36 weeks. So she's a tiny gal :)

Gender: Sweet girl! 

Baby Fact: Baby girl might have an inch or so of hair already (I would not be surprised based on all of this acid reflux!). She is also shedding some of the vernix.  

Weight Gain: 29 pounds as of last Friday. Right on track it seems!

Baby's Movement: While she is not interested in moving head down, she still loves to dance around, especially when I am stretched out, laying down. Night time is her jam when it comes to really moving, and I can very much feel her head, arms/legs. 

Maternity Clothes: I am a comfort wearing gal these days. My belly is maxing out my maternity shirts! And I prefer my loose shirts and pajamas to normal clothes these days. Just see my photos for this week :) 

Sleep: I'm not really getting much sleep at this point. Finding a comfortable position doesn't come easy, and being woken to use the bathroom several times a night surely doesn't help either. So I nap when I can, and take the few hours of random sleep I get at night. Clearly my body is prepping for the nights with baby girl. 

Symptoms: Acid reflux (check); swollen feet, ankles, and fingers (check); congestion and a constant tickle in my throat (check); lower back pain (check); fingers that fall asleep while I'm sleeping (check); hip discomfort (check); electric like shocks through my legs when standing up after sitting awhile (check); puffy face and water retention (check); no more wearing of my wedding bands (check). None of these symptoms have changed since last week. 

Cravings: Ice cold water, juice, carbonation (specifically Coca-Cola, which I wouldn't normally go for), crunchy and cold fruit (think grapes and clementines), peppermint patties, Reese's cups (the tree/blog shaped ones), salty peanuts, cheese drizzled broccoli, and Apple Jacks cereal. 

Miss Anything? Having more energy.  

Best Moment This Week: It's the last full week of pregnancy! Bittersweet, but oh so exciting! We are just 6 days away from meeting her!!! And since we know that baby Hill will be here for Christmas, we got her "first Christmas" outfit and stocking. Seeing three stockings hanging instead of just one gives me all the feels, ya'll. 

Worst Moment This Week: The general discomfort makes for no fun. I can tell that my body has really maxed out, and I'm looking forward to getting my pre-pregnancy body back. 

Looking Forward To: Next Monday!!!

How's Husband? He is ready!! We've been talking about the c-section and what our expectations and wishes are for it. Husband is totally on board for the things that I want to come from it and he's also prepped and ready to roll for the recovery phase of this. He's going to be the best dad and that makes my heart incredibly happy. I can't wait to see him with our girl!

In case you missed it: 

p.s. did you catch yesterday's post?? Who do you think she'll look more like....husband or me??