I can't believe I'm already in my 10th week. It feels like it's gone so much faster this time. Plus we're now over the big hurdles we experienced in our first pregnancy. A huge answer to prayer and it feels so good! This baby is growing, growing, growing. No joke, our little one already has his/her vital organs formed, and is working on knees, ankles, tiny teeth buds, and the likes. It's really magical, and boy does my body feel all this
How far along? 10th week
Baby's Size: A prune || about 1.2 inches and 0.14 ounces
Weight Gain: None so far!
Maternity Clothes: Mostly no, but I'm opting for stretchy waistlines and loose shirts. The belly band has made an appearance over jeans.
Sleep: I live for it! I stay fairly exhausted at the moment, and love a good nap when I can fit it in. Otherwise, I'm in bed around 10:00ish, and while sleep is the best, I do despise the crazy, strange dreams that I've been having (almost every. single. night.) Not to mention, I'm now up for one potty break at night, which is something that rarely ever occurred pre-pregnancy How did that happen so soon?!
Symptoms: 24/7 nausea is plaguing me at the moment. At times I find relief thanks to the combination of a B6 vitamin (3 times daily) + 1/2 a Unisom tablet before bed. However, this doesn't always do the trick. Food aversions are high at this point. And my sense of smell is incredible, which isn't the best thing **cue the food aversions & nausea**
Cravings: Nothing in particular, but whenever I can eat I just want junk mostly. Or I want nectarines (my one healthy thing). Other than that, bring on the KFC mashed potatoes, all things bland, and carbs.
Miss Anything? Feeling like normal. Growing a baby is a lot of work, and not just physcially. It's a mental game too. Hormones are no joke!
Best Moment This Week: Being on vacation with family. I guess this is unofficially baby's first beach trip. It's been so amazing to relax and keep my feet up. Sleeping in and not needing to put on normal clothing is also the best!
Worst Moment This Week: The nausea. It hits me out of nowhere sometimes and completely tanks me. Lately, when the nausea gets to be too much, sleep is the only cure. Hello 8:30 p.m. bedtime a couple of nights ago!
Looking Forward To: Our appointment next week! We get to see our sweet baby and his/her little profile. There will be a tiny nose to see, and I can't wait!
How's Husband? He's been a real trooper picking up my slack around the house. Not to mention he's such a good caretaker. Husband has been so great with my random food aversions and cravings, agreeing to go along with our lack of grocery planning. Because you can't plan the week's meals in advance when you don't know if you'll be okay with that meal by the time its night rolls around. He's headed toward sainthood!
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