Weekend Happenings

May 11, 2015

Welcome to a new week, friends! This weekend went quick, partly because my Saturday involved photographing graduation for the medical college I work at. Nonetheless, it was a good weekend, and if you follow me on Instagram, you saw the weekend fold out in photos. I wish I could find a rewind button for a do-over of its goodness. Until then, I'm just going to reminisce. 

f r i d a y 

Friday evening kicked off the start of the weekend like it does every week. I was craving some southern cookin' for dinner so husband and I placed an order to go at Due South BBQ. They were swamped that night and we ended up waiting just under an hour for the food. But, the sweet ladies there, refunded our money for dinner, apologizing for the wait. So dinner was on the the house. You can't beat southern cuisine and manners, ya'll :) And I think it's safe to say it was worth the wait for fried pickles, fried green tomatoes, smoked pork, hush puppies, sweet tater (yes, that's right, taters not potatoes) casserole, and baked beans. 

For dessert there was a cobblestone pastry, but I only made it two bites in before giving up. Dinner had stuffed me and I wasn't about to squeeze anything else in. 

s a t u r d a y 

So like I mentioned, I had to photograph the graduating physicians Saturday morning. It was a beautiful day, and I left with some sunburn on my arms. I have to say I love the feel of sun soaking into my skin. That slight tightness and redness you get, and the way you smell like the sun just kissed you. I miss it all winter long, so I welcome it openly come springtime.

I got home around 1:30 that afternoon, and with a house visitor on the horizon, husband and I had some major cleaning to get done. We're a good team, and within two and half hours our home was immaculate, cleaned from top to bottom. I was impressed with ourselves, and also super tired! So we took a hot second to put our feet up before moving on to the grocery store and other errands. 

I loved stumbling upon these heirloom tomatoes. They were full of color and had the best shapes and ripples. After grabbing the essentials for a dinner grilled outside, we headed back home just in time for Pete's mom's arrival. Dinner started off with crab dip and crackers and homemade lavender lemonade. Dinner was strip steak, herb pasta, a summer salad, and corn on the cob. I think my favorite part of the evening though was the porch and umbrella lights. We haven't used them since last year, and I was smitten with their glow in the evening light and darkness of night. If you don't have lights on your deck, you have to get them now! 

s u n d a y

Mother's Day started off with bagels, grapefruit, and coffee. We followed that up with church, a stop at Starbucks and some outdoor sitting, and lunch. My MIL left late afternoon, and then I napped while husband worked on his final exam for grad school. Hallelujah, this is the last week of school until summer officially begins for him! I'm so looking forward to getting him back!!

In the evening, husband and I challenged each other to putt-putt. He won by two strokes, lucky duck. I think a rematch is necessary. On our way home we stopped by the pond to walk around and try to catch a glimpse of the giant snapping turtles. While we didn't spot them, we did catch the baby ducks. And in all their fluffiness, they were the sweetest. That mother duck was such the epitome of motherhood, and a great sighting to end Mother's Day. Speaking of which, I hope all you mamas out there had a very special day. And for those gals who have experienced infertility, miscarriage, have unstable or non-existent relationships with their mothers, I hope the day was peaceful for you. That in sadness, you were able to have an enjoyable day full of hope. 

Keep up with husband and I all week long on Instagram! I'm challenging him today to post more photos, and I want you to help me keep him accountable :) He's on board, don't worry he won't be surprised when he reads this post! 

Check out his Insta account, @frisbeeinflannel and follow along the husband of this blog! 
He's my favorite, and I know you'll love him too! 

Have a fabulous week and I'll catch you back here tomorrrow! xoxo