The Pick: Week 19

May 15, 2015

I think it's easy enough to assume that I'm super excited for the weekend, which just so opens today! Hello, three-day-glorious-weekend! I'm going to be spending some time with my Mama and sister today, shopping, doing girl things, a movie, and dinner (husband will join us for the latter two). 

And can you guess what movie we will be seeing...the second Pitch Perfect movie. Yes, I'm admitting it, I loved the first movie. I may or may not have memorized some of the dances and the songs. As in, every roadtrip that was the music playing and those were the moves I was busting in the passenger seat of the car. Husband loved it. Really. He did. 

But enough of the movie, which I'm hoping will be fabulous. This week has been well enough. I've started a new book, and love it already even though I'm just four chapters in. I already recommend it. It's like Melanie Shankle was reading my mind when she wrote her book. 

Don't even get me started on the sweets. I want all the sweets this week. A girl can't help but to love beautiful donuts and an ice cream sundae. I refuse to apologize for my sweet consumption this week. Sometimes we just have to give ourselves a break. And this is that time. Who's with me???

Speaking of sweets, my next Chatbook came in! I've caught up on ordering all of them to date. I love a good surprise in the mailbox, and this particular one did not disappoint. I think my favorite part of ordering each Chatbook is picking out the cover image. 

This weekend promises to be a good one, what with time off today, Supper Club on Saturday, a baby shower for sweet friends on Sunday, and of course a little relaxation.

 follow my weekend happenings on Instagram @astleigh_hill
or husbands's Instagram @frisbeeinflannel 
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And don't forget to link up with me for The Pick, by grabbing the URL of your favorite blog post from this week. I ask that you comment on some of the other posts linked-up, and that you most definitely comment on the blogger that linked up just before you. Because growing your blogging community and supporting one another is one of the biggest perks of being a blogger!