Whoah! This week flew by, but I'm not complaining! I'm glad it's Friday and a good one at that. See what I did there? It's Good Friday, and if you're not quite sure what that is, I want you to know. The Friday before Easter commemorates the crucifixion of Christ, His death on the cross for my sin and your sin, that we could experience a personal relationship with God here on this Earth and for eternity. His sacrifice was good, humbling, and full of love. This day is followed by Easter, a glorious celebration of Christ being raised from the tomb, heralding his victory over sin and death. So while this day remembers a hard and terrible day, it had to happen to receive the joy of Easter. And that my friends, is so good.
So as I wrap my week's favorites up today, I'm also looking for all of God's blessings in each of them. Because even the smallest of blessings are there to be celebrated!

[one] This meal has been our go-to for the past several weeks. It's healthy and full of vibrant tastes. I recommend it to anyone. If you're looking to recreate it, it's simple: Sprinkle salt and lemon juice on salmon and cook for 25 minutes at 400°. In a large skillet, add a bushel of kale, some olive oil, and garlic. Cook on medium unitl it has wilted down. And the rice is a seasoned wild rice from Rice A Roni. The meal take a maximum of 30 minutes to make!
[two] I'm a sucker for Starbucks, espcially when I'm there on a coffee date with husband. We always try to find time for one another in the busiest moments of life. And these little mid-day dates is one of the ways we do just that. It's like hitting the pause button while sipping your latté. How good is that?!
[three] It seems like Virginia is slow to show signs of spring. But this past week all the signs are popping up. The trees are budding, the grass is greener, the birds are chirping a sweet spring song, and I'm in love with it all. Speaking of spring, check out my favorite seasonal finds!
[four] Pineapples on a cardigan can only bring joy and fun to any outfit. On Monday, they did not disappoint.
[five] These coffee beans are perfection. I've never had a coffee bean so good before, and I'm convinced that it's the cream. I wish I could send each of you a bag of these because it would change your life...well at least make your day :)
[six] Truth be told I don't really like homemade hamburgers. I'd much rather get one out from a fast food joint than to have it at home. So when my sister came over on Monday to make dinner and announced it would be burgers I did a "grin and bare it" ordeal. Then I took a bite and my whole outlook on homemade burgers changed. Thanks for converting me, sister. And for making dinner.
[eight] I think this sign says everything! I'm smitten with my Vines and Branch purchase and even more excited about the upcoming collaboration with her. Stay tuned this month for a super fabulous opportunity!
[nine] Warmer weather means more time spent outdoors. And it also means grilling is back! I'm ready for a barbecue...friends where are you?? Let's get to planning one!
[ten] This week I decided to try to make the closest version of my Grandmom's pasta sauce that I could. I tweaked a few things, but was so happy with the final product. Eating the spaghetti brought back such good childhood memories for me.
[eleven] Easter décor is darling and rather charming. I'm crazy about these sweet little bunnies and might need to find a place for them so they can stay out a little longer.
And there are some of my very favorites from the week! I hope you've been collecting all your week's top moments while reading! And I hope you have a very Good Friday indeed.
to follow my weekend festivities, follow me on Instagram @astleigh_hill
and to stay up to date with my blog posts, like the blog's Facebook page
Now it's that time of the post where I ask you to join me in sharing a favorite too. Link up with me for The Pick, by grabbing the URL of your favorite blog post from this week. I ask that you comment on some of the other posts linked-up, and that you most definitely comment on the blogger that linked up just before you. Because growing your blogging community and supporting one another is one of the biggest perks of being a blogger!
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