Happy Monday, friends! This weekend was a special one. And for a few different reasons. There was a quick trip to Charlotte for a fun, impromptu, getaway trip, some shopping, and watching husband play ultimate frisbee (even if it was misting the entire time). But, my very favorite part came Friday night when I met one of my blog land friends in person for the first time! It's surreal to meet, get along with, and form a friendship with someone online, then to meet them in person and click just like you hoped you would. If you follow me on Instagram, then you saw all of the weekend unfold in photos, starting with our trip down to NC!
It's a Hill tradition to pick up Starbucks at the start of any road trip. This was no different, and we agreed on a splitting a venti coffee frappuccino.
One of my favorite parts of the trip to NC, is passing over Lake Norman. It's beautiful and makes me crave time on boat, floating along in the water. The only downside of passing over the lake, the traffic. It gets so backed up, but at least it gives you time to roll the windows down and take in the fresh air.
Nelle from Simply Love is a Charlotte gal, and when husband and I planned our little trip a few weeks back, the idea of meeting up with her dawned on me! She was game, and dinner details for Friday night were made. We (as in us and our husbands) met up in the NC Music Factory at Osso for Italian cuisine and good conversation. Side note and fun fact: Osso is the restaurant where Bachelorette Emily Maynard went on a one-on-one date with Ryan.

One of my favorite parts of the trip to NC, is passing over Lake Norman. It's beautiful and makes me crave time on boat, floating along in the water. The only downside of passing over the lake, the traffic. It gets so backed up, but at least it gives you time to roll the windows down and take in the fresh air.
Nelle from Simply Love is a Charlotte gal, and when husband and I planned our little trip a few weeks back, the idea of meeting up with her dawned on me! She was game, and dinner details for Friday night were made. We (as in us and our husbands) met up in the NC Music Factory at Osso for Italian cuisine and good conversation. Side note and fun fact: Osso is the restaurant where Bachelorette Emily Maynard went on a one-on-one date with Ryan.

After dinner we headed to VBGB for a little more time together before parting ways. The Hills are now totally smitten with the Monacos, and we're looking forward to our next get together! If you've never read Nelle's blog, you need to and now!
Saturday we spent the entire day shopping. And yes, husband was such a good sport. Don't be fooled though, he may love Crate & Barrel almost as much as I do. I could spend hours in that store (and we might have). There's nothing I don't love about it.
After C&B, a trip to the mall, and a simple pizza lunch, we found ourselves at IKEA. We have never been into an IKEA, and wow what an experience. The downside, the 45 minutes we waited in line to check out with our things. It was a tad insane, but totally worth it. Would I visit an IKEA again on a weekend, probably not, but I'd definitely go back.
After our very long-line wait, we started for home. Charlotte isn't too far from us, making it an easy trip. And travel like that, always makes for good conversation time. Husband and I talked about everything. It was good.
Sunday morning was a little different than our norm. Instead of church, husband had an ultimate Frisbee game. I tagged along this time to watch him. The misting wasn't the best, but being wrapped up in a blanket in my beach chair and sipping Starbucks made up for that. Husband left that game covered in mud (rain makes perfect sliding weather, people), and tired. I'd say it was a good time.
The rest of the day looked a little like husband in the lab (yay, grad school), me sewing pillow covers, and time with House Group. We finished out our weekend with a dinner picnic in bed.
I hope you have a fabulous week!! And if you haven't, go enter the Vine + Branches Giveaway, where you could win Caroline's best-selling "Give Me Jesus" sign!! The giveaway closes at midnight today, and the winner will be announced tomorrow!!
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