Happy Heart! [by Erin Bassett]

June 23, 2014

Erin Bassett from the lifestyle blog, Color Me Styled, shares her happy heart list today. Doesn't it make you want to soak everything summer up while sipping an iced coffee?!

happy heart delights...
  • seeing the cherry tomatoes grow in my very first tomato plant
  • being snuggled into the big chair under the comfy blanket while the AC blasts
  • interacting with new friends on Instagram; it's my favorite social media (@colormestyled for the blog; @erinmbassett for la joie de ma vie)
  • treating myself to a latte or iced coffee and croissant from our local coffee favorite, La Colombe
  • getting an offer to write for one of my most favorite websites (I would love to dish, but can't just yet)
  • having an impromptu night out with my husband, Danny
  • taking an hour and half out of my afternoon for a mani-pedi
  • smelling fresh cut grass (doesn't happen often in the concrete jungle of the West Loop, Chicago, IL)

"When Astleigh asked me to participate in the series, I was in a funk and creating my list helped me to bust out of it! All of these moments have happened in the last week and now I feel a little silly for being in a funk in the first place. Life is wonderful!"  -Erin Bassett