I have escaped the frozen, snowy tundra of southwest Virginia for the week. With husband on a business trip, the freelance writer/editor got to come along. And the mini vacation that we are now enjoying is needed time together, in a different place, with all new experiences awaiting us. Kentucky is a bit snowy, but nothing like the all white landscape we left. I felt partially sad to miss out on the snow that is most likely to be mush by our return, but as soon as we arrived in Louisville, those sad thoughts dissipated faster than the almost-two-feet-of-snow in Virginia will. The snow was certainly beautiful and that's why I'm sharing some of our snowy day photos. Not to mention the snow days that resulted due to the high accumulations were a blessing of downtime during a usually very busy week.With that being said, here is the blizzard-like snow storm that bustled through our part of town.
First, we prepared. You know, by going to the grocery store and grabbing
milk....and sweets to tide us over during the days of being snowed in. Luckily, we didn't need bread because everyone else and their brother had beaten us to the store and bought it ALL. (The above apprehensive faces were necessary.)
When it started snowing Wednesday afternoon, it really started snowing. And didn't let up until early morning on Thursday. With maybe an hour of calm, the snow shortly returned to drop off another five or so inches of snow. By that point you would think we had enough snow blanketing the ground, but nature had other plans. So, we were happy to take advantage of the massive snowfall. There was sledding, living room picnics of soup and grilled cheese, snow slushies, no work, snow wrestling, etc. You name it, we partook in it. If the snow was going to snow us in, we were going to find the good in it. I think we did.
For me, the worst part of the snow was having to disrupt its resting state. So when husband and I dug our buried vehicles out, I really dislike it. Not because of the labor involved, but because we were ruining the pretty snow. I feel the same way about footprints and sledding tracks too. Even though I like to get out in the snow, especially of such bountiful proportions, I do hate the idea of "messing it up". Anybody else out there feel that way?

The snow was great, it was magical and overwhelming all at the same time. But, we loved it, all 20ish inches of it. To see more of our snowy photos check here and visit my Instagram.
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