I wish desserts were healthy for me and that there was a daily recommended serving I should eat.
I wish I was at the beach, soaking up the sun, tanning to a lovely bronze, and enjoying lazy, reading days (woohoo next week).
I wish I had a cup full of pomegranate and mango frozen yogurt covered with granola, strawberry poppers, and fresh fruit. Sweet Frog, can you deliver?
I wish I could finally kick my nail biting habit (one day).
I wish I had found a place to live for Pete and I once we are married. But until then, I'll keep looking through my stockpile of Better Homes and Gardens magazines for decorating ideas and tricks.
I wish I could find a recipe, cook it like a professional chef, and have it turn out just like the picture. You tell me, does that ever actually happen??
I wish my cell phone battery lasted longer.
I wish a sushi restaurant wasn't so far away, I keep having cravings!
I wish you all a happy weekend!
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