A few days ago I was talking to Pete (remember, my fiance) about my blog. We were discussing my purpose in blogging and my hopes for it in the future. At then, at the end of that conversation, he presented me with a challenge. Let me give you some background information before I give you the details...
Pete has been full of encouragement when it comes to me blogging and he's been an avid reader from the beginning. He was even the one to give me the final push to start writing. And here I am now, pouring out tales of our life and truly enjoying every bit of it. To know Pete is to know a wonderful man with a sweet heart, a lot of ambition, and enough goofiness to last a lifetime (can you see why I'm so in love with him?). He's also a numbers person and fittingly he is an engineer. After explaining to him how many followers I have, his mind jumped right to the quantitative side of things. He proposed that if I can get to 70 followers by March 18th, he would surprise me with a weekend trip this summer. He's been hinting at New York and a broadway performance, or maybe something set on the beach. Either way, I am very intrigued and super excited. But, I need YOUR help! I need to double the number of followers I currently have! And let's do one better, let's succeed Pete's challenge and surprise even him! I have exactly a month from today, to reach the goal and then a weekend excursion is mine and Pete's to enjoy!
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